

About Me

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My passion for cooking developed over the post marriage years. We are a foodie family and variation to the palate is a must for us. This actually gave an impetus to innovating, experimenting with the spices.

Cookery according to me is an art, a creativity which requires skill, a fine sense of taste and beauty. Cooking and presenting beautiful and delectable dishes, also getting a huge appreciation for the same gradually became a challenge and later an addiction.

I was thinking about sharing whatever little I can cook in my own way with others. Hence my blog came into existence. I always avoid too much complicacy in cooking, look out for the easiest methods, being a lazy soul that I am. Also I share with you whatever little knowledge I have about a dish and my story associated with it.

But to tell you the truth, I was a novice when I started. Always feared about the exact measurements of seasonings and other condiments. But the love with which I cooked perfected the proportion of everything in my cooking.

So for all who fear adventuring in the kitchen, my blog will help you to develop an interest in cooking, to do your own experiments with spices. And always be equipped with the best seasoning of all, love. My recipes are hassle free, simple, mostly cooked with the readily available spices/herbs. So chill!! Share this culinary journey with me and enjoy a lip smacking time…..

Here’s a link to an interview taken by in case you want to know more about me n my blogging.....
And the pictures taken, stories and recipes written, and most importantly the cooking....all are done by yours truly. This blog is run solely by me.......

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