

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Mango Basundi

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In this gruelling heat with the temperature soaring high a much appreciated respite would be a delicious chilled dessert. Yesterday I made Mango Basundi which tasted divine besides providing a much welcome relief and was polished off within minutes I took it out of the refrigerator. Basundi is a traditional sweet dish of west India specially Gujarat, Maharashtra nevertheless it is enjoyed by all.

Hope you all will love it....

Mango Basundi

Mango Basundi

Mango Basundi



  • 1 litre fullcream milk
  • 200 gms (1/2 tin) condensed milk
  • 10- 12 strands of saffron
  • 2 ripe mangoes 1 pulp, 1 sliced
  • almonds
  • sugar as per requirement of sweetness ( I used 2 tblspns of sugar)
  • 1 tsp cardamom powder


Boil fullcream milk in a container with 4-5 strands of saffron and let it get reduced to half on low heat. Stir occasionally. When the milk becomes dense add the condensed milk and sugar and let it simmer for some time until the sugar gets dissolved. Soak mangoes in water for half an hour prior to peeling and cutting to get rid of germs and pesticides. Now peel 1 mango and make pulp in the mixie. Add the pulp, cardamom powder and mix well. Let it cool before putting in the fridge. In the meanwhile peel and slice the 2nd mango. When chilled take it out serve garnished with few strands of saffron, almonds and mango slices.... bliss....

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