

Friday 20 June 2014

Chilli French Toast

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Chilli French Toast is a favorite Sunday Breakfast in my family. My son’s face radiates happiness on the very announcement of either the Sunday breakfast menu or what is being packed in his lunch box on school days. That day surely is one of the special days in school to feast on with his friends. I love to see his grin of appreciation and excitement, so make them often for his tiffin. Those moms facing problem with fussy kids can try this out. It’s immensely tasty, super easy and fast…..Here comes the recipe….

Chilli French Toast

Chilli French Toast

Chilli French Toast



  • 8 eggs
  • 8 bread slices
  • 1 large onion chopped
  • 3-4 green chillies chopped
  • 1/2 tsp Kashmiri red chilli powder
  • Salt to taste
  • Grated cheese(optional) for garnishing
  • White oil for frying as per requirement


In a bowl whip the eggs and toss onions, chopped chillies, powdered chilli, salt into it. Mix well. Now heat oil in a non stick frying pan, dip the bread slices in the egg mixture and fry both sides till golden brown. Serve garnished with grated cheese on top or just like that. They taste great anyways.

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